GIANLUCA FIORE - Architect - Photographer

Project: Studio Fuksas - 2008 - Canon Eos 5D MARK III - F/4 - 1/80 sec - ISO 800 - 24mm

Project: Studio Fuksas - 2008 - Canon Eos 5D MARK III - F/4 - 1/80 sec - ISO 800 - 24mm

Project: Studio Fuksas - 2008 - Canon Eos 5D MARK III - F/4 - 1/50 sec - ISO 2000 - 24mm

Project: Studio Fuksas - 2008 - Canon Eos 5D MARK III - F/4 - 1/80 sec - ISO 800 - 24mm
click to open the image
Un edificio dove coesistono aria, materia, luce, trasparenza e riflessi.
un luogo sospeso tra archeologia industriale e sogno.
dove la materia diventa riflesso irreale e dove l'aria diventa presenza fisica.
I lived in Berlin for a few months in 2013. Those months were an opportunity to visit the city in depth, and produce a series of photos that I am very fond of. I discovered places that year I got excited and I visited places that already in previous years had entered my cultural baggage. Important was the visit to the Bundeskanzleramt usually closed to the public, and to the crematorium Baumschulenweg, place that I find among the most exciting in the world.